Sunday, December 20, 2015

Spirit Lords - 2014

Spirit Lords. A Kabam Project. I had the luck of joining this fantastic team in early 2014. I love to model and i love painterly stuff. I love fantasy art. and i LOVE seeing my characters animated so this was an awesome year of creation.
I worked closely with some super talented folks on a project that i'll always note as a success. Our work flow was smooth, our results we're constantly improving.

Do you ever have that scenario in life where right when you feel like you re getting into the groove of things, everything else changes? this was me on this project. i look back on it fondly. the funny coworkers who always inspired me to improve! the awesome producers who made Stand Ups so cool.. Good times!

im still in the process of preparing the numerous armor sets i created and its gonna be some time. but heres this for now! and 360s coming! everything looks better when its moving!

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